Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion

For Muslim tourists acceptance

Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion One of the great fun in the trip is a meal. However, Muslims there is a fine rule also with respect to food. When to attract tourists from foreign countries, the rich food culture of Japan is a big attraction. However, if the partner is a Muslim you must be careful. In fact, I worried about a trip to [Japan? When asked and], a lot of Muslims answer [either feeding a diet that does not touch the contraindications anxiety] [worried Japanese restaurants have me have a religious concern for Muslims]. To dispel such anxiety, it will be a major issue of when further welcome the many Muslim tourists. First, as a word to keep in mind that the authors, will include Halal (HALAL) and haram (HARAM) it is. The halal, means that [is allowed] in Arabic [is accepted] [legally]. Therefore, in the case such as halal food, it makes sense that [to eat Ho' to Islamic doctrine has been granted meal]. On the other hand, Hallam has the meaning that the reverse, in other words [forbidden] [illegal] with it. For example, dishes using pork, will be referred to as the Haram for Muslims.