Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion

Muslim hospitality map in Chiba

Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion Chiba stay guide for Muslims, "Muslim hospitality map" By flying, such as relaxation and LCC of visa requirements, travelers from Southeast Asia, has increased among them is Muslim travelers from Malaysia and Indonesia. Muslim travelers, are determined in the precepts that must be strictly observed, such as repellents of day-to-day of worship and certain foods, environmental services that can act in accordance with the precepts in travel destination is required. Muslim hospitality map "Muslim hospitality map / Around Tokyo Chiba City - Muslim Friendly Map -" is, eat, drink, or worship Muslim travelers who visited the Chiba City with peace of mind, you have me for a shop that can receive services such as beauty. Also, in addition to the Muslim-friendly correspondence, and also representation of the vegetarian diet (vegan) Oriental vegetarian store that can correspond to (Taiwan Motoshoku) Indian vegetarian.