Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion

The halal food?

Business opportunities coming in visit to Japan Muslims to explosion The halal food? In the provision of Japanese food that does not use pork and alcohol, leading to attract customers of Muslims table of contents The halal food, food that has been allowed to eat in Islam . Foods that are prohibited that Muslims eat . Foods that Muslims can eat as Halal Food Time of that care was taken when providing halal food .. Seasonings that contain pork or alcohol, processed foods also prohibited .. Tableware and kitchen are divided into general public and for Muslims Asakusa Sushi Ken: behave sushi with ingredients that do not use pork or alcohol . In addition to using ingredients that has received the halal certification, also provides space for worship Indispensable One of the things when providing halal food In devised that can provide halal food, leading to attract customers of Muslims [But recently often see tourists of Muslims, not been able to easily attract customers to the store out ...] If the restaurant managers who feel that. [The government is formulating an action plan to increase the number of Muslims visit customers.